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Flap (WK) Indicator

Flap (WK) Indicator #

The “Flap Indicator” shows the pilot the optimal setting of the flap depending on the wing loading and the speed in straight flight. The default setting for the flap indicator is switched off and can be switched on with [Enable]. The speeds from the flight manual for the wing loading of the polars entered should be recorded.

Flap Indicator #


Here you can [Enable] or [Disable] the feature of the flap display. By default, the display is off. The optimal latching of the flap is indicated with the green triangle as shown above. The green triangle moves vertically according to the set speed ranges for the flap positions.

Max postitive Flap #


Two positive flap positions are preset. The number of positive flap positions can be selected here. Between 0 and 3 positive flap positions are available. According to this setting, these flap positions are visualized, as well as menu items for recording the speed ranges, and the values for calibration are recorded if the sensor is present.

Max negative Flap #


As above for the number of negative flap positions.

Takeoff Flap #


Here you can set which flap position should be displayed when there is no dynamic pressure on the ground. Normally this is the position required for take off and is usually found in the flight manual. Depending on the load and the wind situation, the setting may require correction. In case of doubt, the flap position specified in the flight manual for the respective situation always applies.

Flap Speeds Setup #

The optimal speed ranges are recorded under the following entries, shown here for three positive and three negative flap positions. Only those values are used which are given by the maximum positive and negative setting.

Speed +3 to +2
70.00 km/h

Speed +2 to +1
78.00 km/h

Speed +1 to 0
88.00 km/h

Speed 0 to -1
105.00 km/h

Speed -1 to -2
165 km/h

Speed -2 to -3
195 km/h

Flap Position Labels #

Flap Label +3:

Flap Label +2:

Flap Label +1:

Flap Label 0:

Flap Label -1:

Flap Label -2:

Flap Label -3:

In order to enable the display to be adapted to the labeling of the flaps in the cockpit, a label can be selected here for each flap position, named in the software from -3 to +3.
Each position can be chosen from a range of digits from -9 to +20 and letters such as N,L and S. Additional letters or numbers can be added on request. The labels on the flap lever can represent positions or degrees for the inclination of the flap, this varies from manufacturer to manufacturer.
For reasons of space, the plus sign is only displayed for digits less than 10. Negative values are supported up to -9 (so far sufficient for all models considered) and are always output with a minus sign.

Flap Sensor #

[Enable IO-2]
[Enable IO-34]
[Enable IO-26]

This option activates the flap sensor, which was on IO-2 or IO-26 in earlier hardware versions and on IO-34 in later series. The settings for IO-2 or IO-26 can only be used together with the Bluetooth connection. With a WiFi connection, the use of the IO-34 is necessary, this will be supported from the second series in 2021. The display is made using the rectangle, which symbolizes the flap lever. The color of the rectangle changes depending on the position of the flap lever. With a good setting, shelf less than half a flap position, is the color green, otherwise white. In the case of a more serious error, more than a complete notch, the symbol also flashes in color red.

Sensor Calibration #

[Start Calibration]

With the help of the flap sensor calibration, the flap sensor is measured for the latched flap positions. With [Start Calibration] the dialog begins, which prompts specified positions to snap. The dialog looks like this:

Set Flap +2
Sensor: 385

and thus prompts the flap position to be set to +2. The digitized sensor data in the range from 0..4095 are displayed in real time. If the flap is set correctly, the value is saved by pressing the push button and the next flap position is reached. At the end, the completion message “Saved” appears and the calibration is complete. The graphics for the flap display should then be checked. The flap positions must now match the selected flap position.
If this does not fit, e.g. because a position was not locked correctly, the calibration can be repeated at any time. If there are further problems, the installation of the potentiometer should be checked with a multimeter, for example. It is recommended that the potentiometer is installed in such a way, for mechanics see the section on the flap sensor below, that positive flap positions result in smaller resistance or digital measured values and negative positions result in larger values, so that a uniform procedure is used to check, measure and Facilitating support also works the other way around.
The values are proportional to the resistance of the potentiometer. If a separate potentiometer is used, it must be supplied with a voltage of 1.2V on one side; the input has no internal pull-up. In the simplest case, a resistor to the vehicle electrical system is sufficient. A regulated voltage is better.

It is recommended to use the XCVario flap sensor ( ), which is now available and offered in the XCVario Shop, which works with a regulated reference voltage and an operational amplifier (voltage follower), and is therefore somewhat more precise works as a simple potentiometer, exhausts the full range and resolution of the AD converter, and delivers its voltage independent of vehicle electrical system fluctuations.

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1 thought on “Flap (WK) Indicator”

  1. Anthony Hollings


    I have installed the flap sensor and activated the display but the displayed rectangle is very small. The one on the display in the manual is much bigger.
    Is there a way I can get the bigger rectangle on my display please?

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